Camplux 6 gallon mini tank hot water heater in Muldraugh, Meade County, Kentucky

Appliances Muldraugh, Meade County, Kentucky


Camplux ME60 6 gallon mini tank hot water heater. Typically used for RV but can be used in a home, as well. We purchased it in November of 2018 & used for about a month. Works great, but if you have long hair showers tend to get chilly st the end. It’s similar to a tankless water heater where it’s continuously making hot water, but it will get colder at times. I do have owners manual that came with it & cold/hot water lines are brand new & still attached. Dimensions are 18” tall, 11 3/4” width, & 15 1/2” length.

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Listing id 238445
Post date May 13, 2019 8:09 PM
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