Breville 4 square Belgian Waffle Maker in Lincoln City, Lincoln County, Oregon

Appliances Lincoln City, Lincoln County, Oregon
100.00 $


This is a like new Breville family size belgian waffle maker that I bought at Williams Sonoma for $200. I've had it for less than 6 months
and absolutely love it but prefer the smaller style squares of waffles.
It cooks perfectly with several settings for darker waffles. A light and bell comes on when it is ready and also when the waffle is done.
It comes pre-seasoned and never needs sprays or will it ever stick.
The best thing is the trough around the waffle that collects spills if you put too much batter. You will absolutely love this waffle maker.
It is top quality!
Model BWM604

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Listing id 261120
Post date September 17, 2020 11:04 AM
Last edit September 17, 2020 4:53 PM
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