Appliances for sale fridge, stove, dishwasher, & microwave in Castle Rock, Douglas County, Colorado

Appliances Castle Rock, Douglas County, Colorado
1400.00 $


Have a ge profile side by side refrigerator, just turned 7 yrs old. No issues. Works great! Lg microwave, almost 3 yrs old. Works great. Ge stove, almost 3 yrs old. Works great. Lastly a kitchenaid dishwasher, almost 10 yrs old, stainless steel inside. Very quiet. Works great also. Haven't had any problems. Changing out color of appliances, from all white. They all look new, no scratches or dents. Clean. Would like to sell all together but willing to separate.
1400.00 or best offer.
Manuals included with model numbers. Fridge is big. Needs space.. many features on it like hidden hinges, led lighting, reset filter, door alarm, quick ice, turbo cool..
Pick up on or after 7/17/17. Cash only. Can help to move and load.

Model number for fridge is pshf9pgzbcww, dishwasher is kudpo2crwh2, microwave is lmv1813sw, and stove is jb650df1ww.

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Listing id 40118
Post date July 13, 2017 2:11 PM
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Necole Bidwell
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