Professional Quality Home Fitness System, Like New condition. Has 200 lbs weights for exercises including:
Vertical Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Lat Pulldown
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Mid Row
Upright Row
Low Row
Standing Bicept Curls
Thigh Kicks (front and rear)
Pec Deck
Rear Flies
Has all documentation and Workout Poster included.
Also including 175 lbs. Iron Free-Weight set including Bench, Bench-press Bar, Curling Bar and 2 Dumbell bars. Free-weights include:
4x 25 lbs.
4x 10 lbs.
4x 5 lbs.
6x 2.5 lbs.
for a total of 175 lbs.
Between the machine and free-weights, you will be able to get your body in the shape you have always wanted, and all in the comfort of your own home.