HP 500-c60 Desktop COMP FOR SALE in Across river, Laughlin, Mohave, Arizona

Computers Laughlin, Across river, Laughlin, Mohave, Arizona


Hello, I have a HP 500-c60 desktop laptop I bought about 1 year ago for $450.00. I am leaving state and I need to buy a new phone. I am Looking to sell it for $200 and for another $50 you can have the gaming mouse I bought, 79$, wireless keyboard, $20, webcam 15$, and speaker 15$. So altogether for $250 you can have the computor, including the monitor, mouse, keyboard and speaker. Not selling separately. I am willing to barter but I need the $250 to cover some things needed to travel. I have no vehicle you'd have to come to me.

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Views 89
Listing id 5439
Post date May 7, 2015 7:29 PM
Last edit May 7, 2015 7:32 PM
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