I am continuing my effort to lighten my load in preparation for a possible sale of the home where I have lived for the past 20 years with my late wife, Nancy and the past (almost) 9 years since her passing. As I intend to downsize, I find that I am willing to let go of the beloved art and objects we enjoyed. My hope is to find a new and appreciative home for these things. Much of the art has moved on to happy homes, much in my neighborhood and the surrounding area and that makes me happy.
I continue with a list of interesting ‘stuff’ I’d like to pass along, starting with these excellent furniture pieces that are desirable and unlikely to fit into wherever I go next. Link to a page on my website for more information: http://www.viewpointartsmarketing.com/cool-stuff-for-sale-from-my-house.html. Everything is negotiable. Take a look!
Dunedin 34698, Pinellas County, Florida, 2314 Jones Dr., Fairway Estates