True 540 S.O.F.T. Select treadmill in Mentor, Lake County, Ohio

Sporting Goods Mentor, Lake County, Ohio
250.00 $


Used True Fitness Treadmill Model 540 S.O.F.T. Select in really good condition.

3.0 hp continuous-duty motor that supports speeds up to 10 mph.

Power incline ramp has a range between 0 and 15 percent.

Magnetic key and lanyard as a safety feature. The safety key inserts into the console and the lanyard attaches to your clothes. If you lose your balance or fall behind, the lanyard pulls the safety key out of the console and the belt turns off. The dot matrix screen displays characters in three colors. The console provides immediate feedback about your workout, including the distance, grade, elapsed time, speed, pace, approximate calories burned and METS, a measurement of expended energy.

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Listing id 59132
Post date May 24, 2018 10:00 AM
Last edit June 1, 2018 10:17 AM
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Steve Lucek
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