Like New--Showroom Condition--Men's Trek Navigator 200 in Hattiesburg, Forrest, Mississippi

Sporting Goods Hwy 49 And Sims Road, Hattiesburg, Forrest, Mississippi


You won't find a bicycle in "any newer condition" except on the showroom floor--GUARANTEED!

This smooth-riding, men's hybrid TREK Navigator 200 is in SHOWROOM CONDITION--and loaded with all the extras, custom installed by the bicycle shop at my request!

Custom, super-cushioned full seat
Bicycle bell, and
Water bottle holder

It's the perfect bicycle for a BIG, SMOOTH ride, on "The Trace".

Get a "NEW, CUSTOMIZED BIKE" for less than half of a current replacement model!

Moving! $275 OBO

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Listing id 7007
Post date June 4, 2015 3:09 PM
Last edit June 4, 2015 3:42 PM
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