Golf Lessons in Douglas County, Kansas

Sporting Goods Douglas County, Kansas
30.00 $


Beginner & Intermediate Golf Lessons

Whether you're just starting out, or you've been playing for years and want to finally break 80; I can tailor lessons to build your swing, add distance and accuracy, effectively read your lie and the course, gain confidence and consistency, and shave strokes off of your game. I am a former Sponsored Amature Golfer, PGA Golf Pro, and currently a scratch golfer on the hunt for my tour card. I have over 10 years of experience, and look forward to helping you improve your game for a fraction of the price of any other Golf Pro in the city.
Send me a message, give me a call, or shoot me a text to get started today!!

Kyle O'Keefe
785 766 9817

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Listing id 59675
Post date June 2, 2018 8:13 PM
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