For Sale: Women's La Jolla Cruiser & Lock - $66 in Truth or Consequences, Sierra, New Mexico

Sporting Goods Truth or Consequences, Sierra, New Mexico
66.00 $


Baby blue women's 24 inch La Jolla 1-speed cruiser bicycle with aluminum frame, basket, and comfy plaid seat for sale. It is one year old and has not been ridden very often. It's been mostly stored indoors.

Bikes of the same style/brand/color are currently selling at the T or C Wal-Mart for $99.97.The bike comes with a Kryptonite brand cloth covered chain lock (security level 4). Locks like this one are currently selling at the T or C Wal-Mart for $16.96.

I'm asking $66 for both. (You save $50 and whatever amount tax would add.)

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Listing id 22805
Post date December 16, 2015 7:32 PM
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