Chlorine Tablets - Pool Mate 3" All In One 25 lb in Lincoln County, Oregon

Sporting Goods Oceanlake, Lincoln County, Oregon
175.00 $


Pool Mate All-In-1 Swimming Pool 3" Chlorinating Tabs contain a proprietary blend of ingredients that will reduce the amount of pool chemicals needed to keep your swimming pool clean. Each 3" 8 oz. tab is individually wrapped for easier and safer handling, stabilized to prevent burn-off, and are slow dissolving to maintain a proper free chlorine level. Built-in clarifier produces crystal-clear water. Stain-inhibitor prevents and removes stains caused by metals and minerals. Includes algae preventer that will leave a algaecide residual to help get rid of algae and prevent it from coming back. Built-in descaler will prevent the build up of scale which can cause corrosion. Because your sanitizer has these additional chemicals built in, you will spend less money on pool supplies.
For use in feeders or floaters - kills bacteria and controls algae, clarifies, prevents metal staining and. Use this product in an automatic feeder or floater designed for this product. Pool Mate All-In-1 Swimming Pool 3" Chlorinating Tabs will kill bacteria, control algae, clarify water, prevent metal staining and corrosion, and reduce scale formation.

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Listing id 278758
Post date June 26, 2022 5:25 PM
Last edit July 5, 2022 11:35 AM
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