Cannondale Tandem Bike in Kersey, Elk County, Pennsylvania

Sporting Goods Kersey, Elk County, Pennsylvania
700.00 $


We just don't ride the tandem anymore so it's time to thin out our bike inventory a bit. The bike is in real nice shape but probably could use new seats. It has bar ends and toe clip/strap pedals and Gorilla brake braces. The bike has Grip Shift with LX and XT components. This is a high end bike. I will include another set of rims/cassette that have slick tires mounted on them. With these tires two people can really cruise on this bike. The bike comes with knobby's.

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Views 98
Listing id 37465
Post date June 12, 2017 11:47 AM
Last edit June 12, 2017 11:50 AM
Result 0 votes
Tom Dorsey
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