Bowflex Ultimate 2 in Goose Creek, Berkeley, South Carolina

Sporting Goods Goose Creek, Goose Creek, Berkeley, South Carolina


I am selling my Bowflex Ultimate 2 and asking $700 (negotiable). I can deliver and help set it up as long as it’s not too far from my house.

Length: 92" Width: 46" Height: 82"
Folded out: 44" x 46"
Workout area: 9' 4" x 6' 6"
Resistance: 310lbs
Included: Bowflex owner's manual and fitness guide and assembly instructions.

Over 95 exercises including a lat tower, leg extension/leg curl station, preacher curl attachment, integrated squat station, chest/shoulder press, a cardiovascular rower and more.

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Views 67
Listing id 22111
Post date December 8, 2015 11:46 AM
Result 0 votes
Michael Spicuzza
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