12ga Mossberg model 88 brand new mint condition in Tulsa , Tulsa, Oklahoma

Sporting Goods Tulsa, Tulsa , Tulsa, Oklahoma
250.00 $


12ga Mossberg model
88 Special Purpose/home defense/police issue/training

12 Gauge, 18.5" Barrel, Blued Finish, Black Synthetic Stock, Cylinder Bore

I was laid off last week from my job of 9 years so this Christmas will be tough for my kids so I'm trying to do what I can. Give me a call or text 9188042905. I paid over $$475 plus tax less then a year ago and never got a chance to get it out and fire it so it's brand new in mint condition it still has the stickers on it from when I bought it, so with all that considering starting at $250 obo seems fair to me. It's perfect for home defense, hunting, and it will also take non lethal shells like bean bags for instance and just regular slugs or shells. It's a awesome piece of equipment that I really want to hang on to but my kids are my world and If I get $250 for it it'll help so much and I'll be able to have a Christmas for them. Merry Christmas.

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Listing id 1032
Post date December 8, 2014 9:02 PM
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