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I am looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom house. I am 62 and my husband is 63.
Two antique barns for sale! Larger Barn: $8000 Smaller Barn: $4000 Both: $11000 OR: BEST OFFER!! Pic...
Please join myself and Century Mortgage Sat. Aug 5th 1pm-4pm for an OPEN HOUSE!!!! You don't want to...
3 bedroom 2 full bath Double wide on a permanent foundation. 1.08 acers. New roof and triple pain wi...
Located on Leadmine Branch in Leslie County, KY. Call 606-5285110 or 606-5339237 for more informatio...
Ranch Home for Sale
I am looking for someone who would be interested in subleasing my apartment for the months of June a...