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Hardly used Pride Jazzy Air 2 Power Chair. Great for anyone with mobility needs and lift.
Rabbit (small animal) hutch in good condition. Hutch is two story, with 4 rooms. It's roomy, airy &a...
4' wide by 16' long with railings. Massive Redwood wheelchair ramp.
I have two male ducks to give to a good home. They get along fine and can be put together. If intere...
On Thursday Dec. 13 my friend will be at Monterrey cafe in Alamosa, Colorado to sell his wonderful b...
We have about a dozen old hub caps; Chevy, Ford, GMC, etc.
Trombone is in good condition. It has two minor dents which should not affect the sound. Case includ...
Well maintained. Stored in temperature controlled environment. 96 was a legendary year for wines and...
Booking holiday parties. Professional Karaoke and DJ services. 22 years experience. All DIGITAL syst...
Household, yard items, old windows, rocking chairs, antique dressers, small refrig. TV, gas furnace,...