Tailgating RV in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa

RVs/Campers South, Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
600.00 $


Perfect RV for tailgating for Iowa State football games. Holds 8-10 people comfortably and has storage for all of your coolers, food, table, generator, grill and games. It runs but it is a 77, takes a little while to warm up in the winter and needs some finesse while driving. The inside has been redone with Iowa State color cushions and rubber tile floor for easy clean up. Could probably use some updates to make it run better, just being honest. We have been taking this RV to football games for the last 5 seasons but we dont have enough people going anymore to need it. Shoot me an email if interested, it is parked on the south side right now.

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Listing id 27263
Post date February 14, 2016 12:50 PM
Result 0 votes
Grant Thomas
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