Palomino Columbus in Ellisville, Jones County, Mississippi

RVs/Campers Ellisville, Jones County, Mississippi
41.00 $


2014 37 ft - 5th wheel camper with threeb slide-outs. Porch awning and slides have awnings, no tears in any awnings. Shed kept. Rear living area with couch (makes out to a double bed) and two recliners.
Big screen TV wirh DVD player, electric fireplace. Refrigerator/freezer, microwave with convection oven, three eye cooktop and oven. Dining table with four chairs. Lots of kitchen storage cabinets. Central heating and cooling. Large bathroom shower with sliding door. Queen size master bed with big screen TB, spacious closet with cabinets below. Washer/dryer. Asking pay off - $41000.

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Views 183
Listing id 248101
Post date November 16, 2019 9:22 AM
Last edit November 16, 2019 9:24 AM
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