Mesa Ridge 5th wheel by Open Range in Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee

RVs/Campers Christiana, Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee
29995.00 $


2014 Mesa Ridge 5th wheel, 50 amp, 4 slides, 2 ACs and Ducted Furnace, 18' electric self draining power awning, sleeps 8, 8 cu. ft. refrigerator, 10 gal. gas/electric water heater, 4-20 lb propane tanks, separate bunk room for kids w/closet, outdoor kitchen, 3 flat screen TVs, AM/FM/CD stereo with DVD player and outdoor speakers. TV hookups for outdoor TV, outdoor shower, extra closet in master bedroom, washer/dryer hookups, ready for cable or satellite, 3-30 gal. waste water tanks, 85 gal. fresh water tank, self leveling jacks and a lot of storage space too.

Respond here or call Brad Shepard at 931.273.3719 if interested or with questions.

We also, have a 2016 Ford F350 Lariat, Blue w/Tan leather interior, SRW, crew cab, 6.7L diesel, 4wd, heated/cooled seats, power everything, sunroof, 27,000 total miles. We will sell with camper if needed. Truck price is $54,900. Read Less

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Views 210
Listing id 62383
Post date July 7, 2018 10:10 AM
Last edit July 8, 2018 1:16 PM
Result 0 votes
Michelle Dupree Shepard
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