Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel in Hickory, Newton County, Mississippi

RVs/Campers Hickory, Hickory, Newton County, Mississippi
37.00 $


Jayco Eagle 5th wheel camper. It has 5 slides with 2 air conditioners. It is front living. There is a 6o inch Tv in the living room and a small tv in the bedroom. There is a king size bed. The bedroom has 2 nice closets for hanging cloths and lots of storage in there. The shower is large with a seat. The bathroom is roomy and is equipped for a washer and dryer.
There is a convection microwave with gas stove and oven. It has nice cabinet space and a very nice pantry, with double refrigerator.
There are 2 couches and a nice electric fireplace.

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Listing id 236649
Post date April 12, 2019 6:04 PM
Last edit April 12, 2019 7:22 PM
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Pam Shirley Johnson
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