Forest River 2013 in Ceresco, Saunders County, Nebraska

RVs/Campers Ceresco, Ceresco, Saunders County, Nebraska
22000.00 $


Excellent Condition. Tons of storage inside and out. Solid hardwood cabinetry throughout, 32" LCD TV with Dolby surround, outside speakers, Bluetooth, AM, FM, DVD, Gaming plate, queen air hide-a-bed sofa, Lazy Boy recliner, Day/Night shades, 22" gas oven, floor ducted furnace, 6 gallon water heater, power awning, rear ladder, outside grill with LP hookup, outside shower, outside tv hook up, power tongue jack and stabilizer jacks, heated holding tanks, bumper clothesline, step support, whole unit water purifier.

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Listing id 253528
Post date April 9, 2020 2:06 PM
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Ron Hajek
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