Coleman Popup in Manchester, Coffee, Tennessee

RVs/Campers Morrison, Manchester, Coffee, Tennessee
3000.00 $


Super nice popup with 2 King size beds and 2 other areas that make a twin bed. Everything is in great condition. New tires,battery,propane with gas , Tons of storage inside and outside. Very light weight. I pull it with a Mini Van and it does great. Less than 200 pounds tongue weight when fully loaded with everything you will need to go camping. upholstery and flooring and ceiling in perfect condition . Great ice cold A/C .Has 3 burner gas stove,stainless steel sink,super cold frig,gas heat with thermostat for cool weather camping.Lights work off direct electricity at a campground or battery at a more remote camping area. Also has fresh water tank and also has direct water hookup. Electric cord is attached and easy storage so you never have to worry about losing the cord. This is a great deal for years of fun to come. 931-728-4773.Located in the Pocahontas area

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Listing id 8905
Post date June 29, 2015 7:51 PM
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Pamela Harris Young
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