Clipper Camper 262BHS for sale in Clovis, Curry County, New Mexico

RVs/Campers Clovis, Curry County, New Mexico


Clipper 262BHS
Two large bunks. Gas/Electric 7.0 CUFT Refer, 20K BTU furnace. 13.5 BTU roof A/C Ducted. 6 Gallon Gas water heater, spare tire and rack, 4 stabilizer jacks, AM/FM/Bluetooth stereo, PWR awning with LED light strip, foot flush toilet, electric brake on dual axel, 40” diamond plate, back-up camera ready, solar-ready, large entrance handle, outside shower, outside fridge, and Greystone grill.
Currenlty located in Clovis NM
Asking $30,000 OBO

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Listing id 272173
Post date August 14, 2021 2:47 PM
Result 0 votes
Lee Ferguson
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