Classic 1973 VW Bus camper style Still Available 5/1/2018 in Painesville, Lake County, Ohio

RVs/Campers Girdled And Ravenna Roads, Painesville, Lake County, Ohio
2500.00 $


To those who were interested: Please accept my sincerest apologies, however shortly after listing this vehicle, my wife was diagnosed with cancer and spent over 1 month in the hospital and is now undergoing chemotherapy. Obviously this turned all of my time and attention to what was most important in my life. I do still have the bus and now have some time to be available.
This 1973 VW bus was inherited and was in the process of complete renovation. The glass is all out (but There) and it is in primer and ready for paint. The van runs drives and stops, however will need some engine work I want to be totally honest and up front about this vehicle but you need to see it yourself. May consider trades.

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Views 653
Listing id 54722
Post date March 7, 2018 5:32 PM
Last edit May 2, 2018 5:47 AM
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Andrew A. Munro
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