'93 Fleetwood Flair Motor Home in Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas

RVs/Campers Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas


'93 34' Fleetwood Flair Motor Home. 71,000 miles (aprox.). Aprox. 30,000 when I purchased. Just plain too old and arthritic to do any more. Totally lost interest. Purchased and used to travel from church to church to earn support to go to the mission field. Unit has been from Main to Texas and the East cost to the West coast. Pretty rough when purchased. I have done a multitude of fixing and repairing after purchase. 454 Chevrolet engine with headers (runs strong and always starts very easy), life time air filter, new paint job, very good tires, 2 new air conditioner units, pull-out pantry, added a large drawer under couch, new upholstery on couch and chair, new mattress on bed. recent new battery for engine, lots of storage. Gets the usual 7.5 MPG whether you are pulling a car, full of water and fuel, or not. 8 MPG is about the best I ever did. That's usual for this size engine. We lived in it for some time after returning from the mission field (retired) and now it could use some TLC. Air conditioner compressor for dash air is shot. Fuel line is plugged to generator, or carburetor needs cleaned, otherwise always ran great (generator). Uses 2 quarts of oil from Atlanta ,GA to Hutchinson, Kansas. Also normal for this engine. Always ran Amsoil synthetic products in engine, differential, and transmission. Has 2 extra radiators connected to transmission cooling system. Extra 40lb. LP tank and "long stay kit" if regular tank gets low or runs out. We looked long and hard before we purchased this and found most are over rated. Pictures always make them look better than they are. Honestly believe for it's age this one is really worth a look. Lots of use left in it. Hope I am not misrepresenting it. Looked up on internet and found it values from $10,000 - $12,000. Can be seen at 725 E 1st Ave. in Hutchinson, KS. Call, if no answer then send text to 620 314 0981 or 620 314 0938.

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Listing id 59595
Post date June 1, 2018 11:14 AM
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John Murphy
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