7344742422 in Mancelona, Antrim County, Michigan

RVs/Campers Elmira, Mancelona, Antrim County, Michigan


2009 Saturn Aura. Engine lost power. Replaced a catalytic converter, runs better, but still not right. Don't know if the O2 sensors need to be replaced? injectors? timing chain stretched?... I don't have time to repair it, and too many cars. Could be a nice car with some TLC. Low mileage with very few miles on new 18" tires that were over $500 , seat warmers, great heat, air conditioning. Lots of bells and whistles. A number of dings scratches and a cracked bumper. Previous owner says she had a run in with a deer. $1500 cash (OBO) or will trade for running tractor, snow mobiles, boat, trailer? Let me know what you have. 734-474-2422

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Listing id 247411
Post date November 1, 2019 7:11 AM
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