38' Halmark enclosed gooseneck car hauler in Elsberry, Lincoln, Missouri

RVs/Campers Elsberry, Elsberry, Lincoln, Missouri
12000.00 $


38 foot 2001 Halmark enclosed gooseneck car hauler, all new wiring, all new interior with carpet that is 3 foot high on sides with trim, new paint, has 12 volt lighting and 110 volt lighting and recepticals. Does have cabinets with underneath lighting, tailgate is vinyl wrapped with the MoPar logo, sides of trailer has MoPar Performance Parts stickers on both sides, trailer is in excellent condition, brand new Halmark receiver, all it needs to be complete is checkered board floor.
$12000 OBO

Cell: 636-439-6220
Cell: 636-358-3223

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Listing id 28940
Post date March 4, 2016 8:13 PM
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Kay Bizelli
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