24' Terry Trailer in Quincy, Grant County, Washington

RVs/Campers Sunland, Quincy, Grant County, Washington


FREE Travel Trailer. Minor leaks in the roof. Painted black only on 2 sides due to the position of the trailer in our yard. The back and the other side are still white with blue stripe. Interior is in ok shape. Could use new carpet. Lots of sleeping room. A/C unit works almost too well. The wheels and tires need to be put back on before it can be moved, (which we can do)but after that YOU tow/haul away and it's yours!

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Views 124
Listing id 56626
Post date April 9, 2018 1:48 PM
Last edit April 9, 2018 6:58 PM
Result 0 votes
Carri Reddy-Llapitan
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