2020 Keystone Premier 29BH in Spanish Fort, Baldwin County, Alabama

RVs/Campers Spanish Fort, Baldwin County, Alabama
37000.00 $


BRAND NEW (only uses once) travel trailer! We bought with the intention of moving to California for a job and living in it but our sweet daughter decided to make her entrance early and is now in the NICU, making the move impossible. The trailer is absolutely beautiful with plenty of space and storage, enough I was willing to live in it! Our loss would absolutely be your gain and would help our family tremendously ♥️
Please contact with any questions or interest at (760) 985-7512

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Listing id 258932
Post date August 3, 2020 8:31 AM
Last edit August 3, 2020 8:32 AM
Result 0 votes
Samantha Rene Denmark
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