2016 Keystone Outback Ultra Light 276 UBH in Bolivar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio

RVs/Campers Bolivar, Bolivar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio
16000.00 $


The camper is a 2016 Keystone Outback Ultra Light 276 UBH. The camper has fiber glass sides. The camper has one slide out for the table and couch. Both the table and the leather couch can be transformed into beds. The bunk beds are full size bunks where two kids can sleep together. The bathroom has a tub/shower combination. The fridge can be powered by electric or gas. The camper has a master bedroom with a short queen bed. It is separated by sliding doors. The awning is electric and has LED lights underneath. The camper has an outdoor kitchen with fridge and stove top. The camper has been power washed every spring and was swept inside weekly. The camper has been covered each winter with a full protection cover. I have included pictures and a picture of the layout.


Length 31.33 ft. (376 in.)
Width 8 ft. (96 in.)
Height10.58 ft. (127 in.)

Dry Weight 5,675 lbs.
Payload Capacity 1,925 lbs.
GVWR 7,600 lbs.
Hitch Weight 655 lbs.

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Listing id 262823
Post date November 6, 2020 7:12 PM
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Daniel Woods
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