2002 Nash Camper in Sequim, Clallam, Washington

RVs/Campers Sequim, Sequim, Clallam, Washington


2002 NASH camper trailer. Weighs about 5,500 lbs! It has everything that is needed in a travel trailer....sleeps up to 6....AC, microwave, TV hookup/antenna, furnace, lots of storage. Excellent condition! The bathroom is larger than most with a tub/shower and brand new sink.
Must sell, sold our truck so can’t pull it anymore.
Must see to believe….$6,000 ……..
Owner: Norma 360-460-2736

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Views 269
Listing id 23320
Post date December 24, 2015 4:25 PM
Result 0 votes
Norma Michels
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