1988 cab over camper in juneau, Juneau, Alaska

RVs/Campers Lemon Creek, juneau, Juneau, Alaska


Camper has full bathroom, kitchen, furnace and AC and everything works great. My wife and I lived in it over the summer and were going to drive it home to Idaho but the truck it is on broke down and isn't really worth fixing. Some of the couch cushions are a little chewed up but not too bad and the rest of the camper is in pretty good shape. The water system is currently drained for winter but we can put some in to show that it pressurizes. The camper will be available around September 18th but let me know if you are interested so we can make arrangements to show it. 801-319-1126, thanks!

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Views 137
Listing id 15303
Post date September 12, 2015 3:35 PM
Last edit September 12, 2015 5:42 PM
Result 0 votes
Brian Stephenson
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