1984 RV with chevy 454 in Magnolia, Pike County, Mississippi

RVs/Campers Magnolia, Pike County, Mississippi
2000.00 $


Small leak in ceiling where ac unit used to be. Floor had 2 soft spots so I had someone pull out the old floor and they started putting new plywood down but they didn't finish...very small area left to do in kitchen and I do have the ply wood and screws to finish it. Brakes don't work but simple fix, it's a brake line that needs to be replaced. It has had a full tune up this week-oil change, filters changed, spark plugs and wires, 2 new batteries because one is for the engine and the other to run all the inside things. Has original generator which was rebuilt 2000 miles ago. Engine has a lil over 84000 miles and was also rebuilt 2000 miles ago.

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Post date July 27, 2021 7:11 AM
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