Window washing in Bernalillo County, New Mexico

Real Estate Bernalillo County, New Mexico
100.00 $


Hello everyone My name is Glade and I am with KD Cleaning LLC, a local residential and commercial window washing company, and we would love to wash your windows!

To ensure peace of mind, we are more than willing to take whatever precautions you deem necessary during these trying times to make sure that nothing is spread.

Along with window washing, here are a few of the other services we offer:

*Ceiling light fixture cleaning ($15)
*Solar panel cleaning
*Screen replacement (price varies)

For more information and a free quote, feel free to contact me on here or 505-800-3188

Here are some pictures showcasing our services:

Thank you and be safe!

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Listing id 253438
Post date April 6, 2020 1:01 PM
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