Trailer and land in liberty, Amite, Mississippi

Real Estate Liberty, liberty, Amite, Mississippi
50000.00 $


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2007 16x64 on 0.85 acres in amite county ms. close to the franklin county line, close to Lake Ohkissa and the National Forrest. 2 bedroom 2 bath. Stainless steel appliances included. Hardwood floors in main areas with carpet in bedrooms. Well water on property. 2 large shops also on property. Fenced in back yard . Great neighborhood on small country rd. move in ready. No repairs needed.. originally listed at 60k, but now reduced to 50k. Text me or call me at 6012489288.. additional information and pictures available if needed...

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Listing id 28193
Post date February 25, 2016 7:23 PM
Result 0 votes
Cassie ezell
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