REALTOR in Midland, Midland, Michigan

Real Estate Midland, Midland, Michigan
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Before earning my real estate license, I graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Leaving big city living behind, I moved to Midland with my husband and began a career in loan quality assurance for a reputable bank. After years as a dedicated loan processor, I made the decision to jump ship to the other side of the home buying process and start a new career as a real estate agent.

Having the chance to live in Midland, I am absolutely in love with the sense of community and family in the area. My family includes my husband and our two zealous huskies. With time to burn, I enjoy playing team sports such as softball, volleyball and golf and I also dabble in knitting. I am a volunteer event planner at the Shelterhouse of Midland and I am honored to be a part of the organization.

I believe in making long lasting connections and I like to be known for being reliable. From day one, I will be there to ensure a positive and memorable experience by putting my client’s interest above all else. I look forward to hearing from you!

Email: [email protected]
Cell: 740-503-2546
Office: 989-837-2100

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Views 93
Listing id 10390
Post date July 17, 2015 11:33 AM
Last edit July 17, 2015 11:36 AM
Result 0 votes
Whitney Szumigala
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