Need a home for our family ASAP in Meridian, Lauderdale, Mississippi

Real Estate Meridian, Lauderdale, Mississippi


Not sure if there is another page I should post this on or not. We are a family of four, a 1 & 2 yr old plus myself and fiance. Due to unforeseen circumstances we need to relocate to the Meridian area immediately to be closer to family. We are trying to find something reasonably priced to rent and in a good area. Preferably something that will allow a dog. (We would like to get a puppy for them for Christmas!) Or just a lot to rent that we can put a mobile home on. Please comment or inbox me with anything you know of. Thanks in advance!

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Views 84
Listing id 22423
Post date December 12, 2015 3:57 AM
Result 0 votes
April Skittles Dardar
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