HOME FOR SALE: in Yazoo City, Yazoo, Mississippi

Real Estate Yazoo City, Yazoo, Mississippi
94.00 $


FOR SALE BY OWNER: 32x68 Belmont Cavalier, 3 Bedroom 3 bath, Secured to full concrete Slab, 4.21 Acres of land, Installed a new 4 ton 14 Seer Goodman Central Air Conditioner (10 Year Warranty) 16x16 Deck with Roof, Out building for tools and lawn mower, Fire Place, located in Yazoo County, 251 Freeman lane. Quiet, Secluded but 5 minutes from Yazoo City. Selling due to upcoming retirement. 94,500. Lots of nature and Great Neighborhood. Secluded down long drive off Freeman Lane. Best way to contact me is by e mail. [email protected] 662 590-3272 or 662 590-3273.

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Listing id 32079
Post date April 6, 2016 7:38 PM
Result 0 votes
Dennis White
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