Home For Sale in West Salem, Wayne County, Ohio

Real Estate West Salem, West Salem, Wayne County, Ohio
210000.00 $


Beautiful home in West Salem with easy access to freeways, shopping and schools. Completely remodeled in 2017. A few upgrades consist of a new furnace and AC, duct work and hot water heater. The roof was replaced in 2018 and the driveway has been extended and is concrete. Amazing kitchen with custom Amish built cabinets and island. Amish woodwork and doors throughout the house. Stainless steel appliances and ceramic tile floors. Attached 2 car garage with an additional garage in the back that is 14'x x 24'x that has a heavy duty floor. You don't want to miss out on this home!!!! Open house will be Saturday June 26 from 1-3 pm. Please call Erica at 6143592376 with any questions.

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Views 3827
Listing id 269946
Post date June 22, 2021 9:11 PM
Last edit June 22, 2021 9:29 PM
Result 0 votes
Erica Vandeneynde
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