Home for sale by owner in Hillsboro in Hillsboro, Marion, Kansas

Real Estate Hillsboro, Marion, Kansas
93400.00 $


Spacious 4 bedroom home located across from Hillsboro middle / high school. Fenced in back yard and detached two car garage with shop area in the rear. Two bedrooms on the main floor and two on the upper floor with a full bath on each level. Partial basement has been waterproofed and is equipped with two sump pumps. New roof and windows in the last 5 years. Recently rewired to bring the whole house electrical up to modern code. Freshly painted inside and out, this property is MOVE IN READY!

We are asking for Marion county appraisal price only. Buyer pays all their required loan and inspection fees as well as half of closing costs and half of title fees.
Seller pays half of closing costs and half of title fees.

Sorry, will not consider selling on contract / will not rent.


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Views 140
Listing id 30882
Post date March 23, 2016 5:28 PM
Result 0 votes
Dave Lofton
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