ESSINGTON OR SURROUNDING AREAS in Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Real Estate Delaware County, Pennsylvania


Couple relocating to work at the Philadelphia airport seeking to purchase home in Essington, Ridley Park, Prospect Park, Folsom, Morton, Springfield, Wallingford or Swarthmore area. Seeking people in danger of foreclosure who want to save their credit rating. We can bring your mortgage payments and taxes current, take over your existing mortgage and give you cash to move--WHY MAKE A REALTOR and MORTGAGE BROKERS RICH?!. The additional money that we get to keep by not having to put down a traditional down payment we can then use to do repairs and upgrade your home as we plan to live there. Will consider taking over mortgages where you are "upside down". Buyers also own properties in South Jersey, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia--where it's a lot cheaper to live!-- and will consider trade. We can provide excellent credit references and proof of cash on hand. Contact Katherine or Craig at 681 495 4419

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Listing id 40898
Post date July 20, 2017 8:28 PM
Result 0 votes
Katherine Christensen
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