Duplex for sale, fully leased through May 2018, Cash flow is $2,220 a month in Lock, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Real Estate Lock, Clinton County, Pennsylvania
122.00 $


Duplex. FULLY RENTED. 4 students in each unit. Rent brings in $2,220 a month.
Leases signed till May 2018. In process of signing leases through May 2019.
Natural gas and replacement windows; four bedrooms and two full bathrooms in each unit, a total of 3,100 square feet. Take a virtual tour of the home- http://www.lhuhousing.com/201-s-fairview-b--4-br.html

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Views 94
Listing id 45955
Post date September 12, 2017 9:22 AM
Result 0 votes
Russel Moldovan
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