Apartment in Juneau, Juneau, Alaska

Real Estate Back Loop Area, Juneau, Juneau, Alaska
1725.00 $


This is a custom, rustic, super insulated, quiet two bedroom apartment on the ground level of a large personal residence. It has a large kitchen dining area and a large living room. It is all electric and economical to heat. It is located in a quiet wooded neighborhood on a large residential lot located on a dead end street with no through traffic. It has a large stone fireplace for visual ambiance, with push button electric fireplace insert. There is no garage, but there is ample off street parking for two vehicles and room for a boat on approval. It is located very near public transit, good hiking trails, cross country skiing trails, outdoor archery range, outdoor rifle range, public accessible trap club, indoor rifle range, and indoor archery range. It is located 3.35 miles from University of Alaska and Auke Bay boat harbor. Most people who have looked around for apartments have told us that this unit rates very high compared to other units, and at 1250 square feet, it is nearly twice as large as many apartments.

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Listing id 30553
Post date March 20, 2016 1:40 PM
Result 0 votes
Dale Young
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