41 acre Hunting Property With Home And Pond Near Glasco in Glasco, Cloud County, Kansas

Real Estate Glasco, Glasco, Cloud County, Kansas
179500.00 $


This property is the perfect setup for a hunting lodge or homestead. The three bedroom, two bath home has been well cared for and includes newer vinyl siding, metal roof, and a large remodeled bathroom with Jacuzzi tub. The home has propane, rural water, and a wood pellet stove. All appliances and furniture are included in the sale. There are two outbuildings on the farm. The largest outbuilding currently stores combines and other large farm equipment and all of the buildings are in good working order. This farm has been strictly managed for upland game birds and as a result, it is currently home to numerous pheasants and multiple coveys of quail. In addition, the large pond provides great waterfowl opportunities as well.

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Listing id 37392
Post date June 11, 2017 4:31 PM
Result 0 votes
Colin Colley
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