4 Bedroom - 2 Bath Duplex For Rent in Medicine Lodge, KS - $550/Month in Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas

Real Estate North Central, Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas
550.00 $


Each side of the duplex has 1,266 SF of living space.

There are 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. On the main floor there is a living room, kitchen with electric stove and refrigerator, full bath room and 2 bedrooms with walk-in closets.

On the lower level there is a family room, laundry room with washer and dryer, 3/4 bath with new ceramic tile shower and floors, and 2 bedrooms with walk-in closets.

There is off street parking as well as street side parking. Lawn care is provided.

No pets allowed (have had to pay over $4,000 in pet damages and can no longer allows pets).

Renter pays for utilities. Newer energy efficient central heating and air conditioning unit has been installed to help minimize gas and electric bills.

Rent is $550 per month with a $550 damage deposit.

For application form and to set up a viewing of the home, please call or text to Dave Rose at 785-452-5088 or email to [email protected].

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Listing id 52091
Post date December 3, 2017 10:50 AM
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Dave Rose
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