2014 28x64 Southern Energy Mobile Home For Sale in Daleville, Lauderdale County, Mississippi

Real Estate Meridian, Daleville, Lauderdale County, Mississippi
47.00 $


This is a 2014 Clayton "Big Island" Southern Energy manufactured home, but it was still brand new on the lot when we purchased it in 2015. It is a 3 bedroom/2 bath with an open floor plan. It was customized to enlarge the 2 kids bedrooms and to include beautiful wood-grain vinyl flooring in all of the rooms except for the 3 bedrooms which are carpeted. The appliances, except for the washer and dryer, will stay with the home. The home is located just past NAS Meridian and must be moved.
This home recently NADA booked at $57,000. We are asking $10,000 under NADA. Since we no longer need the home, we are willing to make a great deal on it to help cover moving and setup! For more information or to make on offer, give Rod a call at 601-686-1710!

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Listing id 43985
Post date August 19, 2017 6:16 PM
Result 0 votes
Janie Brown
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