20 x 32 1 BR/1 BA Cabin in Laurel, Jones County, Mississippi

Real Estate Laurel, Mississippi, Laurel, Jones County, Mississippi
55000.00 $


Very nice turn key 1 BR/1 BA Cabin (500 sq ft) on 1 acre for sale by owner (55,000.00)....NICE LOCATION!!!....Myrick Community just 9 miles east of Laurel city limits and just 3 miles off Hwy 84 East by Masonite Lake in Beat 3....great location....great neighbors and very near country store, burger barn, volunteer fire dept, Bogue Homa Lake, 5 mins fron Dollar General and only 12 miles from Bok Homa Casino....was termite treated in 2017 (good for 10 years) and has all new white kitchen appliances (including microwave) and new white GE side by side w/d....also includes a good dark brown vinyl sofa....has fullsize bathroom w tub and shower....has pantry and adequate cabinet storage and BR will easily accommodate queen size bed....a SURPRIZING spacious lay out for small home....also has new 2 car 18x20 detached garage and 3 sided barn with 2 stalls (1 is 10x10 and other 10x20)....has partial barbless wire fencing with metal farm gates and capped T post (very safe for 1 horse)....very clean and well groomed property with nice land scaping.....Originally built in 2008 and upgraded in 2016....

Alot of ""BANG"" for ur bucks....great for single person or couple and can easily add onto it for future needs....call Pamela Adams 601-422-3556 for appt to view....

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Listing id 48479
Post date October 14, 2017 3:05 AM
Last edit October 21, 2017 7:26 PM
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Pamela S. Adams
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