2 bedroom house on 12 acres in Cabins, Grant County, West Virginia

Real Estate Smoke Hole, Cabins, Grant County, West Virginia
175.00 $


Up for sale is a beautiful older 2 bedroom house and a 2 story garage on 12 acres . This house is located in one of the most beautiful areas in all of West Virginia! It has some of the best hunting and fishing spots, 1/4 mile to the best trout fishing WV has to offer and 1/4 mile to a wonderful hiking trail off of Smoke Hole Road. It is close to Smoke Hole Caverns, Spruce Knob, Dolly Sods and Seneca Rocks. It is close to the main road, Highway 28, and across the road is the Potomac River. This area has it all and is the most sought after property in WV, with cabins close by that rent for up to $250 a night! The property has abundant wildlife, has been surveyed and is above flood plane. Showing by appointment only and owner willing to finance with substantial down payment. I am posting this for the owner because he doesn't have internet. Call for appointment at three zero four, 272- five two four one or 304 two zero eight - 56 nine two.

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Listing id 46865
Post date September 23, 2017 8:27 PM
Result 0 votes
Dwayne Wallace
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