Discontinued Ibanez JS1200 Guitar in Stow, Summit County, Ohio

Musical Instruments Akron, Stow, Summit County, Ohio
1200.00 $


delivery available/ excellent condition
Originally bought for $2,500, this Candy Apple Red JS1200 CA Electric Guitar made by Ibanez is a signature model of American Guitarist Joe Satriani. This guitar has been lightly used but was part of a beautiful collection that was carefully cared for and admired for viewing. Everything in the photos including the case is sold along with the guitar. Up for negotiations but I'm looking for a better home where this guitar will be more loved and enjoyed. Hope to hear from someone who will appreciate this guitar and possibly even play it regularly. Take care and thank you.

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Views 214
Listing id 260102
Post date August 26, 2020 1:46 PM
Last edit August 26, 2020 1:50 PM
Result 0 votes
Marissa Joy Cartwright
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