Bass Fiddle in Madison, Lake County, Ohio

Musical Instruments Madison, Lake County, Ohio
5000.00 $


A Voit&Geiger Bass fiddle, made in Chicago, Ill. in 1938! Appears to be #42 or possibly model 42 by the tag on the inside of the bass. There's not a whole lot of info on the net, but did find a few interesting reads if you want to take the time. Closest thing I can find is one from 1962 selling for $9500! There is also one from 1939 that sold but no price was listed. Found a cello, smaller than a bass, that is selling for $5700. I'm sure I will get some traffic, related to the price, from someone in the know!

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Views 111
Listing id 265222
Post date January 21, 2021 11:22 AM
Last edit August 10, 2021 1:57 PM
Result 0 votes
Tim Grzely
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